Southlands High School Year 9 - Aspirational Journeys
Today on the blog U Develop are pleased to welcome our guest bloggers Nicola, Megan, Mia, Bonne, Emma from Southlands High School:
As I walk into M18 for my 2 hour learning journey I realise that this session would be very stressful, as sitting in the corner is a laptop and a microphone. We get told to sit down and we sit on the middle table, as we don’t want to sit down at the front.
We start off by making a mind map on presentation techniques, which included speaking properly and projecting your voice. We then started to read our scripts for what we want to do when we’re older, which included judges, vets and a forensic psychologist.
Then around four of us stood at the front of the class reading our scripts. Then the dreaded moment came, reading about our aspirational journey into the microphone which would be recorded.
Some of us felt fine, some struggled on words and some were full of anxiety. But after the initial dread, we realised it wasn’t that bad, except for having people listen to you. But that’s something that will be improved through our lessons.
We look forward to our next session, and what we will learn next time, for I look forward to my learning journey
Nicola, Megan, Mia, Bonne, Emma