Udevelop specialise in primary packages that can range from confidence boosters, enhancing aspirations, creative writing, developing new media and creative skills.

We provide bespoke programmes that are tailored to your specific groups.

Taking the groups on a journey that can last from 2 hours to weekly programmes that can last for 4-6 weeks.




Udevelop specialise in secondary packages that target under- achieving students, SEN, gifted and talented, nurture groups and teacher programmes.

The programmes are designed by our professionals for the specific group and are tailored to provide the groups with the best outcomes that are professional and can target work based learning.


16 -19

Udevelop specialise in college programmes that can target Media, Marketing, Performing arts and also target other specific groups in other sectors that may need encouragement towards aspirations, confidence building and literacy skills

We can take the groups on a journey that can last from 2 hours to weekly programmes that can last for 4-6 weeks.



UDevelop are specialists in working with adults who are unemployed, isolated, disadvantaged and vulnerable. Our programmes take a person on development journey to inspire and challenge them to focus on their future goals and aspirations.

Recent projects include our tutors working with Groundwork and New Leaf Cheshire to provide engaging fun and innovative approaches to personal development for isolated unemployed adults.



Udevelop have a wealth of experience working in communities helping people within the community grow and establish sustainable programmes that can have an imprint on their everyday living.

Some of the programmes we can develop are aspirational journeys, greenspace events, community food growing projects, anti-social behaviour targeted programmes, single parent confidence boosters and we design bespoke programmes for your specific groups.


Older Generations

Udevelop work closely with the older groups developing programmes that specialise in coming out of isolation, providing groups with life-long buddies and providing the groups with opportunities to have their voices and stories heard via podcasting techniques.

Udevelop design programmes around the targeted groups to ensure that they develop and gain the best outcomes even in their most vulnerable.

We can take the groups on a journey that can last from 2 hours to weekly programmes that can last for 4-6 weeks.