We have been extremely busy with groups over in Macclesfield as part of the New Leaf Cheshire Programme. The groups we have been working with are ready to enhance their confidence levels, gain new motivations and feel focussed for the future. They are ready to make changes!!
1. The first week we created a vision board to help us visualise the future and provide us a motivational boost.
“I felt happy about this activity and it has proven to work 5 weeks down the line. My focus has changed”
2. The second week we worked together in a team and produced a script about New leaf and created a promo. “I felt more confident about this task because we came across a problem working in a larger group so we split up and worked more effectively in smaller groups. Both groups in the end produced 2 pieces of amazing work
3. The third week the group produced some aspirational journey podcasts. “I felt great about this activity because it helped me focus”
4. The fourth week we got to produce and design a CD cover for the finished CD which will have all our podcasts on. “I enjoyed this because I feel like a star and this programme has made me have more self worth”
5. The fifth week we came together as a group and reflected. Lots of people have seen growth within the group in people. People growing in confidence, finding themselves, lowering anxiety and developing new skills
“It doesn’t matter where you come from or what you have. This group excepts everything and makes me feel more confident and we can just be us”
Now we finish the programme with this blog page, a finished aspirational and motivational CD, a vision board to help with drive and memories to look back on. Good luck everyone on your development journey!